Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fredrick Douglas and Harriot Jacobs

CONTACT US | SITE GUIDE | SEARCH April 22, 2013 Freedom's Story Essays 1609-1865 The Varieties of Slave Labor How Slavery Affected African American Families Slave Resistance The Demise of Slavery Rooted in Africa, Raised in America Beyond the Written Document: Looking for Africa in African American Culture How to Read a Slave Narrative Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs 1865-1917 Reconstruction and the Formerly Enslaved â€Å"Somewhere† in the Nadir of African American History, 1890-1920 Racial Uplift Ideology in the Era of â€Å"The Negro Problem† PigmentocracySegregation The Trickster in African American Literature 1917 and Beyond African American Protest Poetry The New Negro and the Black Image: From Booker T. Washington to Alain Locke The Image of Africa in the Literature of the Harlem Renaissance Jazz and the African American Literature Tradition The Civil Rights Movement: 1919-1960s The Civil Rights Movement: 1968-2008 Freedom’s Story is made possible by a grant from the Wachovia Foundation. Freedom’s Story Advisors and Staff Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs: American Slave Narrators Lucinda MacKethanAlumni Distinguished Professor of English Emerita, North Carolina State University National Humanities Center Fellow  ©National Humanities Center Frederick Douglass During the last three decades of legal slavery in America, from the early 1830s to the end of the Civil War in 1865, African American writers perfected one of the nation’s first truly indigenous genres of written literature: the North American slave narrative. The genre achieves its most eloquent expression in Frederick Douglass’s 1845 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: an American Slave and Harriet Jacobs’s 1861 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.Like all slave narratives, Jacobs’s and Douglass’s works embody the tension between the conflicting motives that generated autobiographies of slave life. An ironic fact or in the production of these accounts can be noted in the generic title â€Å"Fugitive Slave Narrative† often given to such works. The need to accomplish the form’s most important goal—an end to slavery—took narrators back to the world that had enslaved them, as they were called upon to provide accurate reproductions of both the places and the experiences of the past they had fled.White abolitionists urged slave writers to follow well-defined conventions and formulas to produce what they saw as one of the most potent propaganda weapons in their arsenal. They also insisted on adding their own authenticating endorsements to the slaves’ narrations through prefaces and introductions. Yet for the writers themselves, the opportunity to tell their stories constituted something more personal: a means to write an identity within a country that legally denied their right to exist as human beings.Working cautiously within the genre expectations developed by and for their white audiences, highly articulate African American writers such as Douglass and Jacobs found ways to individualize their narratives and to speak in their own voices in a quest for selfhood that had to be balanced against the aims and values of their audiences. (See also â€Å"How to Read a Slave Narrative† in Freedom's Story. ) Harriet Jacobs A comparison of the narratives of Douglass and Jacobs demonstrates the full range of demands and situations that slaves could experience.Some of the similarities in the two accounts are a result of the prescribed formats that governed the publication of their narratives. The fugitive or freed or â€Å"ex† slave narrators were expected to give accurate details of their experiences within bondage, emphasizing their sufferings under cruel masters and the strength of their will to free themselves. One of the most important elements that developed within the narratives was a â€Å"literacy† scene in which the narr ator explained how he or she came to be able to do something that proslavery writers often declared was impossible: to read and write.Authenticity was paramount, but readers also looked for excitement, usually provided through dramatic details of how the slave managed to escape from his/her owners. Slave narrators also needed to present their credentials as good Christians while testifying to the hypocrisy of their supposedly pious owners. Both Douglass and Jacobs included some version of all these required elements yet also injected personalized nuances that transformed the formulas for their own purposes.Some of the differences in the readership and reception of Jacobs’s 1861 narrative and Douglass’s first, 1845 autobiography (he wrote two more, in 1855 and 1881, the latter expanded in 1892) reflect simply the differing literary and political circumstances that prevailed at the Prescribed formats governed the publication of slave narratives. time of their constructio n and publication. When Douglass published his Narrative of the Life, the Abolitionist movement was beginning to gain political force, while the long-delayed publication of Jacobs’s Incidents in 1861 was overshadowed by the start of the Civil War.Douglass was a publicly acclaimed figure from almost the earliest days of his career as a speaker and then a writer. Harriet Jacobs, on the other hand, was never well-known. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl disappeared from notice soon after its publication, without a large sale, while Douglass’s first book went through nine editions in its first two years and eventually became the standard against which all other slave narratives—even his own later ones—are measured.Douglass’s 1845 narrative grew out of the story of enslavement that he honed as a speaker for the Massachusetts Antislavery Society. â€Å"Discovered† and hired to lecture on the abolitionist circuit by William Lloyd Garrison in 18 41, three years after he had made his escape from Baltimore, Douglass developed rhetorical devices common to sermons and orations and carried these over to his narrative, which abounds with examples of repetition, antithesis, and other classical persuasive strategies.His narrative was the culmination of Douglass based his narrative on the sermon. his speech-making career, reflecting his mastery of a powerful preaching style along with the rhythms and imagery of biblical texts that were familiar to his audiences. Douglass also reflected the Emersonian idealism so prominent in the 1840s, as he cast himself in the role of struggling hero asserting his individual moral principles in order to bring conscience to bear against the nation’s greatest evil.In addition, his story could be read as a classic male â€Å"initiation† myth, a tale which traced a youth’s growth from innocence to experience and from boyhood into successful manhood; for Douglass, the testing and jo urney motifs of this genre were revised to highlight the slave’s will to transform himself from human chattel into a free American citizen. Harriet Jacobs, on the other hand, began her narrative around 1853, after she had lived as a fugitive slave in the North for ten years.She began working privately on her narrative not long after Cornelia Grinnell Willis purchased her freedom and gave her secure employment as a Jacobs modeled her narrative on the sentimental or domestic novel. domestic servant in New York City. Jacobs’s manuscript, finished around four years later but not published for four more, reflects in part the style, tone, and plot of what has been called the sentimental or domestic novel, popular fiction of the mid-nineteenth century, written by and for women, that stressed home, family, womanly modesty, and marriage.In adapting her life story to this genre, Jacobs drew on women writers who were contemporaries and even friends, including well-known writers L ydia Maria Child and Fanny Fern (her employer’s sister in law), but she was also influenced by the popularity of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which appeared in 1851. Stowe’s genius lay in her ability to harness the romantic melodrama of the sentimental novel to a carefully orchestrated rhetorical attack against slavery, and no abolitionist writer in her wake could steer clear of the impact of her performance.Jacobs, and also Frederick Douglass in his second autobiography of 1855, took advantage of Stowe’s successful production of a work of fiction that could still lay claim to the authority of truth. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl did not fictionalize or even sensationalize any of the facts of Jacobs’s experience, yet its author, using pseudonyms for all of her â€Å"characters,† did create what William Andrews has called a â€Å"novelistic† discourse,1 including large segments of dialogue among characters. Jacobs used the devices of sentimental fiction to target the same white, female, middle-class, northern audiences who had been spellbound by Uncle Tom’s Cabin, yet her narrative also shows that she was unwilling to follow, and often subverted, the genre’s promotion of â€Å"true womanhood,† a code of behavior demanding that women remain virtuous, meek, and submissive, no matter what the personal cost.Gender considerations account not only for many of the differences in style and genre that we see in Douglass’s and Jacobs’s narratives, but also for the versions of slavery that they endured and the versions of authorship that they were able to shape for themselves in freedom. Douglass was a public speaker who could boldly self-fashion himself as hero of his own adventure. In his first narrative, he combined and equated the achievement of selfhood, manhood, freedom, and voice.The resulting lead character of his autobiography is a boy, and then a young man, who is robbed of family and community and who gains an identity not only through his escape from Baltimore to Massachusetts but through his Douglass focuses on the struggle to achieve manhood and freedom. Jacob focuses on sexual exploitation. ability to create himself through telling his story. Harriet Jacobs, on the other hand, was enmeshed in all the trappings of community, family, and domesticity.She was literally a â€Å"domestic† in her northern employment, as well as a slave mother with children to protect, and one from whom subservience was expected, whether slave or free. As Jacobs pointedly put it, â€Å"Slavery is bad for men, but it is far more terrible for women. † The overriding concern of Jacobs’s narrative was one that made her story especially problematic both for herself as author and for the women readers of her time.Because the major crisis of her life involved her master’s unrelenting, forced sexual attentions, the focus of Jacob s’s narrative is the sexual exploitation that she, as well as many other slave women, had to endure. For her, the question of how to address this â€Å"unmentionable† subject dominates the choices she delineates in her narrative—as woman slave and as woman author. Like Douglass, Jacobs was determined to fight to the death for her freedom.Yet while Douglass could show â€Å"how a slave became a man† in a physical fight with an overseer, Jacobs’s gender determined a different course. Pregnant with the child of a white lover of her own choosing, fifteen year old Jacobs reasoned (erroneously) that her condition would spur her licentious master to sell her and her child. Once she was a mother, with â€Å"ties to life,† as she called them, her concern for her children had to take precedence over her own self-interest. Thus throughout her narrative, Jacobs is looking not only for freedom but also for a secure home for her children.She might also lo ng for a husband, but her shameful early liaison, resulting in two children born â€Å"out of wedlock,† meant, as she notes with perhaps a dose of sarcasm, that her story ends â€Å"not, in the usual way, with marriage,† but â€Å"with freedom. † In this finale, she still mourns (even though her children were now grown) that she does not have â€Å"a home of my own. † Douglass’s 1845 narrative, conversely, ends with his standing as a speaker before an eager audience and feeling an exhilarating â€Å"degree of freedom. While Douglass’s and Jacobs’s lives might seem to have moved in different directions, it is nevertheless important not to miss the common will that their narratives proclaim. They never lost their determination to gain not only freedom from enslavement but also respect for their individual humanity and that of other bondsmen and women. Guiding Student Discussion Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American S lave (1845) is available, along with introductory material, at http://docsouth. nc. edu/neh/douglass/douglass. html Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861) by Harriet Jacobs is available with introductory material at http://docsouth. unc. edu/fpn/jacobs/jacobs. html [+] Title page A fruitful place to begin a comparison of these two classic narratives is their title pages. What appears there reveals much about their authors’ strategies and visions. Douglass’s title is front and center, announcing his â€Å"Life† as an â€Å"American Slave. Given his clear affinity for â€Å"antithesis† (the juxtaposition and balancing of contrasting words and ideas), the words â€Å"Slave† and â€Å"American† placed up against one another dramatize his untenable position in the â€Å"home of the free. † Jacobs’s title immediately offers a contrast. It announces that this will be not the story of one person’s full life, but a selecti on of â€Å"incidents. † Students can think about what this selectivity on the part of the author might mean, with its intimation that she reserves the right to withhold as well as reveal information.Their titles alone can show students that both writers are making highly conscious decisions about self-presentation and narrative strategy. What do they make of the fact that Jacobs refers in her title to a â€Å"slave girl,† not an â€Å"American slave,† even though the voice that will be telling the story is unquestionably that of a woman who has survived a horrifying girlhood and identifies herself most often as a slave mother. Finally, one of the most important questions that both title pages raise concerns the claim â€Å"written by himself† and â€Å"written by herself. Many of the narratives attest to the slave’s authorship in this way, but why was such an announcement necessary? Is it believable, given all the prefatory matter by white sponso rs that accompanies the narratives? What power does the claim of being the â€Å"Writer† of one’s own story give to a slave author? [+] Title page Jacobs’s title page contains other references that raise the issue of gender contrast in relation to Douglass: she includes two quotations, one by the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, in which he exhorts â€Å"women† to rise up and hear his voice.The speaker of the second quotation is identified only as â€Å"A Woman of North Carolina,† who asserts that slavery is not only about â€Å"perpetual bondage† but about â€Å"degradation† (Jacobs’s italics). What might students make of these remarks, especially if they know that the author (who is not going to reveal her true name or identity anywhere in the narrative) is herself â€Å"a woman of North Carolina?The fact that the title page singles out â€Å"women† to be the hearers of a prophetic voice, and that just such a voice, iden tified as a woman’s, precedes Isaiah’s words, can help students see Jacobs manipulating her position through concealment and secrecy, as she will throughout her narrative. Students can begin to think about what â€Å"degradation† means, and whether it means different things for a man than for a woman who have been enslaved; they can also address matters of peaking, having a voice, and being forced into silence as these issues relate to men and women—in the mid-nineteenth century as well as in their own time. A particularly interesting gender comparison can be made of Douglass and Jacobs through examining the identical disguises that they wore as they maneuvered their way to freedom in southern port cities that were their homes (Baltimore and Edenton, NC, respectively). They each appeared in their city’s streets wearing the outfit of a merchant seaman.This costume enabled Douglass to board a boat and sail away to freedom. In Compare disguises. his f irst narrative, Douglass actually refused to give any details of his escape, insisting on his power, as narrator, to withhold or reveal information as he saw fit, so his sailor disguise emerged only in later versions of his story. 2 Jacobs, her face â€Å"blackened† with charcoal, wore her costume only long enough to walk through her town unrecognized on her way to her free grandmother’s house, where she was to spend seven years of hiding in a crawl space over a storage shed.Jacobs’s brief gender transformation through cross-dressing, followed by her long â€Å"retreat† into total physical concealment, is telling evidence of how differently an enslaved man and an enslaved woman responded to the challenges of their lives as slaves as well as autobiographers. By bringing together other specific scenes from each text, students can follow, for a time, what Anne G. Jones calls in her article (sited below) â€Å"the forking path of gendered binary oppositions. Do Douglass and Jacobs, in their lives and in the stylistic features of their writing, conform to our stereotypical expectations regarding how men and women respond, speak, and act? Jacobs is of necessity much more deeply concerned with her own family, with the community that surrounded her as a â€Å"town† slave, with the wellbeing of the children and grandmother who depended on her. Like most other women of her time, her life was more private, her sphere of action more limited to the home, her relationships with others more interdependent, less autonomous, than men’s.Douglass’s circumstances were as different as his gender; he had few family contacts, he lived on remote plantations as well as in a town, he was of a different â€Å"class† as well as gender from Jacobs. So which of the two slaves’ opportunities were related to gender, and which to time, place, class, or other forces? Beyond gender and circumstances, students can see the narratives of Jacobs and Douglass as remarkable works of both literature and history. In these arenas, what do the narratives show us when compared to other works of their time? Slave narratives and students. What do they tell us about life in our own time?Has an understanding of slavery from the perspective of the slave him/herself become irrelevant? Another way to study the narratives fruitfully is to see the many different expressive purposes they embody. They functioned in their own time as propaganda as well as autobiography, as Jeremiad as well as melodrama. In our time, can they bring the past alive in ways that invigorate students’ understanding of history? Can they show students how to imagine their own selfhood and circumstances through writing personal stories that takes them, through trials and struggles, on a journey to freedom and fulfillment?Can the slave narratives show students how to argue forcefully for what they believe in, how to attack major problems in their soci ety? Few writers illustrate better, through more powerful voices, the threat to as well as the promise of the American dream of freedom. This is perhaps the most important legacy they have left for students to ponder. Changing Approaches to the Study of the Narratives After the Civil War ended, the narratives written by fugitive slaves inevitably lost much of their attraction for most readers.As historians began to study the institution of slavery in the early twentieth century, they unfortunately tended to dismiss the slaves’ life writings as unreliable propaganda or as too heavily edited to be considered valid testimony from the slaves themselves. The most important of these early historians, Ulrich B. Phillips, indicated in his authoritative American Negro Slavery (1918) that the slaves’ narratives as sources were untrustworthy, biased accounts, and assessments such as his helped to keep them in relative obscurity until the 1950s.In 1948 Benjamin Quarles published t he first modern biography of Douglass, which was followed in 1950 by the first volume of what was ultimately a 5 volume work from Phillip Foner: Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass. These texts were part of the new consciousness that began the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s, and the black studies programs that followed in the 1960s and 70s brought about more re-evaluations asserting the centrality of the slave narratives to American literary history.In this new era, Douglass’s 1845 narrative, given its first full, modern publication in 1960, was considered the classic example of the genre. 3 Among historical studies, works such as John Blassingame’s The Slave Community: Plantation Life in Antebellum South used the fugitive slave narratives, Douglass’s works prominent among them, to provide much needed credibility for the slaves’ perspective on bondage and freedom.Ironically, Blassingame spurned Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents as unreliable prima rily because he found it to be too â€Å"melodramatic,† and he voiced suspicions that the narrative was the work of Jacobs’s friend and editor, Lydia Maria Child. In this dismissal of Jacobs’s authorship he ignored the fact that Child, in her introduction to Jacobs’s work, stressed that she had made only the most â€Å"trifling† editorial changes and that â€Å"both ideas and the language† were Jacobs’s own.Incidents began receiving new interest with a 1973 edition (published by Harcourt Brace). However, its complete recovery of as an authentic slave-authored account was not accomplished until historian Jean Fagin Yellin, through extensive archival research published in a 1981 article, proved the truth of Jacobs’s story as well as the painstaking process involved in her struggle to write and publish her book. 4 Yellin has continued to lead in the reclamation of Jacobs’s work, publishing her own Harvard University Press i n 1987.Beginning in the late 1970s, book-length studies began to stress the importance of the fugitive slave narratives, including prominently both Douglass’s and Jacobs’s, as literary works valuable not only as historical evidence but as life writing that employed a wide range of rhetorical and literary devices. Frances Smith Foster's Witnessing Slavery (1979), Robert B. Stepto's From Behind the Veil (1979), and two collections of essays—The Art of the Slave Narrative (edited by John Sekora and Darwin Turner in 1982) and The Slave's Narrative (edited by Charles T.Davis and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. , 1985)—provided the critical groundwork for bringing the slaves’ texts into the American literary canon. William S. McFeely’s 1991 definitive biography assured Douglass’s status as a major historical figure, as did Yellin’s biography of Jacobs, published in 2004. William L. Andrews's definitive To Tell a Free Story: The First Century of Afro-American Autobiography, 1760-1865 (1987) marked a significant new stage in the study of the written antebellum slave narrative.In a single, comprehensive book he traced the development of and changes in the form from its eighteenth century beginnings, offering closely detailed readings of individual texts, including particularly innovative analyses of Douglass’s first two autobiographies and Jacobs’s Incidents. By the late 1980s, as well, feminist critics following Jean Fagin Yellin’s lead, began to stress the value of Jacobs’s work in expressing the specific problems of women’s voice and experience, often contrasting her narrative’s structure and style, as well as her story, against Douglass’s masculinist vision in the 1845 Narrative. Important articles continue to appear, some of them gathered into collections such as Deborah Garfield and Rafia Zafar, eds. , Harriet Jacobs and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: New Criti cal Essays (1996), Eric Sundquist’s Frederick Douglass: New Literary and Historical Essays (1990), Andrews’s Critical Essays on Frederick Douglass (1991), and The Cambridge Companion to Frederick Douglass (2009)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Journal Entry for Stephen Crane’s, An Episode of War Essay

This short piece of American literature is a descriptive prose depicting a scene in the American Civil War. An unnamed lieutenant is wounded at his right arm while resting with the rest of his troops during an active battle. The story enables the readers to take part on the lieutenant’s perceptions on what is happening and how the battle was shaped and he is a participant or a victim of a battle unknown to him. The battle is fierce and tumultuous; it was able to take the innocent lives and anything on its way. All of this thinking happened while the lieutenant passed the line of the battle, while he was in search of the field hospital.  At the hospital, the wounded officer had a brief and unpleasant encounter with a surgeon who is rude and lied to him, saying that his arm will not be amputated. The story was able to envelop the soft and meek side of an army officer in a few lines of dialogue of having his right arm amputated. In the end, the lieutenant went along with the surgeon for a medical procedure but end up losing his arm. The army officer felt ashamed when he got home to his family and showing an empty sleeve. He was a victim of a war that could have been avoided and he will not have to lose his arm.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Important aspects of HIPPA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Important aspects of HIPPA - Essay Example HIPAA is one of the complex federal laws that focus on healthcare sector, the act was one of the responses of the Congress to the healthcare reforms and it affects the whole of healthcare industry. The act outlines criminal and civil penalties that arise from failure of compliance by any party in the industry. HIPAA is one of the civil rights laws that give patients the right to control use of their information on health; the other important aspect of HIPAA is that it is mandatory. HIPAA has greatly impacted on the privacy of patient’s health information; the act protects the protected health information of patients whether oral, written or electronic, and defines how patient’s health information can be used defining where and which information can be used and the relevant requirements for such use (Herdman & Moses, 2006, p. 13). Protected Health Information or the PHI refers to any information that is identifying the individual person is considered confidential; such information includes billing information, physician and nursing notes, as well as other treatment records that are about the individual or his present, past or future mental or physical condition. HIPAA acts as a privacy rule, its privacy regulation scope limits disclosure and use of PHI, it limits who can use or request for a patient’s PHI and provides a criteria that can be used to de-identify information. HIPAA provides administrative requirements and establishes mechanisms like external complaint processes and whistleblower provisions that can be used by patients to report violations. The act has established individual rights over his/her health information as contained by providers, employers or health insurance plans. These rights include individual rights to access, notice, amend, and file complaint as well as right to have confidential communication. From the individual patient’s view,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Analysing legal text (The case of Mark v. Mark ) Study

Analysing legal text (The of Mark v. Mark ) - Case Study Example Still, the question of whether the divorce should have gone through in Britain or in Nigeria was the initial problem, and the analysis presented below gives an overall summary of the situation. Since the couple was originally from Nigeria, and the wife had been spending the majority of her time in Britain and had decided not to return to her home in Nigeria, she filed for divorce in Britain. Her husband, however, did not agree with this, and moved for a stay, stating that the proceedings should be decided in Nigeria. The following provides an overview of this case, and what and why the British court decided the way it did. The two individuals involved in this case are from Nigeria, born in that country in 1948 and 1950 respectively. They were married by the law of the River State of Nigeria in 1979; the marriage at that time was considered valid and polygamous, since the husband had married at least two other wives prior to this one, and possibly two more after. Between this particular couple, there were four children, all born in the United Kingdom. All four children have been granted British citizenship. The husband in this particular case served in the Nigerian army, and became a General as well as becoming involved in the government following the military coup of 1983. During this time period, he was able to become quite wealthy. He was posted to Washington in 1990. The wife, on the other hand, had been a lawyer that had practiced in Nigeria. When her husband went to Washington, she proceeded to take classes at Queen Mary College in London, spending time either at school, in Nigeria, or with her h usband. She had obtained multiple entry visas and was able to come to Britain for up to six months at a time until March of 1997. Another coup occurred in November 1993, and the husband did not agree with the new ruler, General Abacha. Therefore, he left the army and decided to leave Nigeria for Britain. The couple then proceeded to establish a domestic home here. The husband was able to obtain a four year work permit that would allow him to remain in the country for that time. The wife was also allowed to stay for a longer period of time than her multiple entry visa originally allowed. After this, the husband was given indefinite leave to stay in Britain because of two of the children. The wife was out of the country, in Florida at the time, and was not included in this decision. When she wanted to return, she was allowed to enter for one day, but she stayed longer. This meant that she had become an over-stayer and was violating sections 24(1)(b) and 24A of the Immigration Act 1971. However, she was eventually granted indefinite leave, but only after the case between she and her husband had started. In June 1998, General Abacha died, so the husband came back to Nigeria to once again pursue politics. He eventually became a Senator in the Upper House of the Nigerian Parliament. However, he still made trips to Britain so that he could visit his wife and children. However, as time passed, the wife in this case gave up hope of coming back to her home country as the most important wife to the husband, and therefore decided to stay in Britain. The wife then issued a divorce petition on July 17, 2000. When she did that, she only focused on her current residence in Britain to discover the court jurisdiction; this was later fixed to add a claim

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

For Rousseau, man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Do you Essay

For Rousseau, man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Do you agree with this assessment Discuss with reference to - Essay Example The first man who accustomed himself as an owner of a land had first brought the idea of tyranny and oppression in society. Prior to the idea, that society had succumbed to ownership; there have been less crime and hardship, and sorrow was out of sight. However, when man succeeded in the act of ownership with it began the invisible chain attached to every human being born. Furthermore, man emerged when he was first to think of himself, provide for his own needs, and was ignorant of his ability to own properties and be above with others. Nonetheless, the time came that he felt the difficulty to do things all by himself and do against the natural circumstances. The differing tides of the time, the changes of the environmental conditions, and other natural and unexpected circumstances had brought man to a point where he considered these as no longer natural. It became a significant source of hardship for him. In order to survive the hindrances, man needed to learn to be above other spec ies. He needed to eat; therefore, he hunted down other species, which had brought him to think that he is above them. This superiority brought man to boast and take pride of himself. As a result, the solitary man had evolved into seeing his likeness to other human beings. His ability to incorporate himself with others and his ability to be part of the lives of others came to being naturally, and at first, language was not needed in order to interact. Jean Jacques Rousseau added that, in line with man’s ability to interact and be above other species, he was able to evolve into a person who has learned the usage of tools. These primitive tools brought man to build huts. In these huts were families, considered as the smallest part of a society, which begun to hold property on where their huts stood. The families, which composed of a man and a woman, lived under one roof and were able to bear children. After the establishment of the first society, man became more convenient on hi s way of living. However, his needs accumulated and losing these needs and not sufficiently having these needs made him unhappy. Moreover, language emerged during the time when man experienced natural catastrophes. This had caused man to be able to communicate in order to combat and surpass these instances. Furthermore, in the emergence of language, man became more civilized and eventually formed nations. Along with this, the love within families heightened in the light of ideas and preferences of the nations. Negative ideologies also came about which also brought walls between the differences of the different group of people. People were grouped in accordance to the songs they were singing and to the steps they were dancing. A wall between people was established by identifying one as different from the others. This then caused inequality, and vices became real in the realm of societies. This had brought man to believe that, by nature, he is unjust, disrespectful and that politics m ust emerge to be able to maintain peace and order. However, this has been wrongly inferred because man, at its natural state is gentle. Moreover, the earliest society depicted happiness among its people; however, progress eventually brought inequality. Freedom was felt by every individual; however, the inevitable chains of slavery and captivity were brought to existence

Monday, August 26, 2019

Guillermo Furniture Store Analysis Research Paper - 1

Guillermo Furniture Store Analysis - Research Paper Example The benefits of operating as a sole proprietorship include the fact that Guillermo is able to make decisions without consulting anyone. With this in mind, Guillermo has decided not to merge with other organizations or even to acquire another organization. This led to the consideration of three options – continue as usual; purchase a hi-tech machine; and operate as a broker. However, before any decision can be taken, an analysis of the three options is required. Continuing as usual does not require Guillermo to do anything but to do business in the same manner as before. It is best that Guillermo makes some changes to his current operations. If sales and profits continue to fall then the end result is that the firm would have cease operations. However, with Guillermo’s reluctance to go the way of merger or acquisition closure of the business may be inevitable if the other options are not feasible. Purchasing a hi-tech machine is a very costly option as it requires an outlay of capital. Therefore, Guillermo’s ability to obtain funds as well as the cost of capital has to be a prime consideration. However, there are benefits that can be achieved from going this route. In order to break even, a certain level of sales would have to be achieved. The break-even point is achieved at the minimum level of sales which ensures that the firm neither makes a loss nor a profit. It is a measure of risk that is and s frequently used in making entrepreneurial decisions (Prakash and Deshpande 1982). This is only possible if Guillermo is able to produce furniture at a cost which is lower than the competition. This option of operating as a broker would require Guillermo to become a local distributor for an overseas firm while continuing to manufacture some of the items currently produced. This option will therefore require some changes in the way it has been operating as the main emphasis will be on distribution. This option does not require any capital outlay. An

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Love Styles By John Lee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Love Styles By John Lee - Essay Example Love means different things and emotions to different people and one person's love could be meaningless to another. Love could be heady, and many have compared it to be under the influence of strong drugs. In his autobiography "Love's Gay Fool" Lee gives vivid picture of his pursuits of love. His commitment to gay and lesbianism are well known. It is told that in personal life 'he followed the advice of the ancient Greek poet, Homer: "Let love be the business of our lives." In 'Models of Love' (1974), Lee argues that all the styles of love are equally important and valid. His theoretical test of love's styles is authentic, authoritative, and his description of six love models had not been questioned or bettered. Conceptually speaking, Lee has presented love in almost all its splendors. He has not hesitated to show its obsessive and ugly side. He has been pragmatic about its diverse approaches and endings. When he says Eros is 'quick to decay' it brings to mind a flower of rare beauty, but limited life. Ludus presents a playful, teenage, ever-young, always refreshing side of love that could be divine and passionate simultaneously. Storge could be seen more in older couples, where compassion is the basis of love instead of physical attraction. Mania comes under the psychological problems of love, where partner or partners could be obsessed beyond reasoning and this irrational desire for the other person could lead to violent endings.

Back Belts Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Back Belts - Article Example In spite of knowing that radiation has definite and pronounced, long-term, serious after effects, why after all it’s use is approved to continue, even in the most advanced countries? Obviously, because it is a life saving technique. Similarly to use or not to use DDT is not a matter of option for the underdeveloped countries; it is rather a matter of survival for them. Since there is no replacer available at this point in time, we can not afford to wait (Ban DDT) till tomorrow. When someone is drowning, it is no time to tell him or her, how to swim. Background DDT, â€Å"dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, a white crystalline powder along with many other synonyms (Safety Data)†, had been effectively used in preventive control of Malaria, a disease spread by the vector mosquito. It saved thousands of lives but contrarily it polluted the environment right from the depth of lakes to the peaks of mountains through fish and birds of prey, having residues of DDT. Toxicological s tudies have found it hazardous to the health of humans and to that of fauna and flora too. In consideration of serious potentials like being carcinogenic-Cancer producing, Its Use had been banned in USA and many other countries. However, it has renewed the spread of disease and malaria is at large, once again.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Evaluate consequences of global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluate consequences of global warming - Essay Example Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consequences of global warming; its adverse impacts on the earth’s ecological system, and consequently on human, plant and animal life. The leading theory on global warming is that human industrial activity over the last century is the root cause of global warming, since it has been causing carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere. Similarly, modes of transportation such as cars and buses increase the emission levels. Further, the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests result in production of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases, which remain in the atmosphere for several decades and even centuries (Behreandt, 2006). The accumulated gas prevents heat in the atmosphere from escaping into space, and the retained gas causes rise in the environmental temperature, termed as the greenhouse effect. This causes greater retention of heat by the earth, because carbon dioxide absorbs the earth’s heat radiation and acts like a blanket over the earth’s surface (Houghton, 2004). The rise in atmospheric warming activates natural processes that cause increasing release of greenhouse gases. Michaels (2005, p.50) states that â€Å"planetary near surface temperature has increased by approximately 1.5 degrees centigrade over the past century, and will continue at a higher rate for the next century†. The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science agree that â€Å"greenhouse gases accumulating in the earth’s atmosphere as a result of human activities, cause surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise† (Behreandt, 2006, p.10). The melting of ice from high altitudes and glaciers alters unique landscapes,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Mooting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mooting - Essay Example right position by upholding that an advertisement is an invitation to treat and not an offer, therefore there was neither an offer nor contract between the respondent and the appellant. In proving this the respondent will rely on the literal rule of the statute. 2. The respondent submits that the advert which was placed on the 4th November was just an invitation to treat. We further submit that the judge is expected to at first instance apply the literal rule of the statute before considering anything else.1 Thus we submit that as held in partridge,2 an advert amount to an invitation to treat and not an offer.3 4. We submit that though it’s possible to make an offer to the world (unilateral offer), the facts of this particular case are very different from those of Carlill v Carbolic smoke ball case,5 since in the Carlill case the respondent company had deposited $1,000 in the Alliance Bank to show their commitment and in which it can be inferred their intention to be bound by, upon acceptance, but in this case, the Respondent did not show in any way either express or implied intention to be bound by the advert upon acceptance thus it can only be concluded to be an invitation to treat and not an offer. 5. Furthermore, the respondent submits that the Appellant did not communicate upon acceptance as it’s the general the rule of requirement that the offeree must communicate to the offeror upon acceptance to effect the contract formation.6 Also, the appellant cannot claim that their conduct amount to an acceptance,7 since the need to communicate acceptance is only waived when the other party does not object to the conduct of the appellant. But in this case the respondent objected to the appellant conduct long before even the stall was opened,8 and even upon opening the stall their objected to his

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Process Design Matrix Design and Summary Essay Example for Free

Process Design Matrix Design and Summary Essay Prepaid food service and automobile are being selected for a service and a product for identifying suitable process design approaches. For managing effective services and delivering on-site service, there are three approaches: product line approach, self-service approach, and the personal attention approach (Larson Gray, 2006). Product Line Approach: The focus of the product line approach is on the efficient production of products and services. In this approach, the company controls the execution of each phase in order to ensure quick delivery and high-quality mix of prepaid foods in a clean environment (Chase, et al. 2006). To ensure effective delivery of high quality prepaid food services, this approach will be most beneficial to the company. Self-service Approach: by involving customers in the production of services, the efficiency of service process can be enhanced (Larson Gray, 2006). This approach will benefit the food company by offering high-quality products to the customers and reducing time of service delivery (Chase, et al. 2006). The Personal Attention Approach: this approach emphasizes developing a relationship between the sales force and customers, ensuring effective customer services. Using this approach will help the company in developing strong relationship and building customer loyalty. Similarly, for managing the production of products, there are different types of design processes including job shop, batch production, assembly line and continuous flow. Job Shop Process: in this process, task completion is handled by a single worker or a group of workers. There can be a wide range of products and services such as shipbuilding, bridge construction, hairdresser and tailor involving use of low technology to high technology can use the job shop process approach (Sowell, 2006). Batch Production: in this approach, a process is divided into parts and before going to the next operation, and a particular part is performed on the complete batch. This approach is suitable for cases when small to moderate volumes of various products must be made. The batch production approach will not be suitable for automobile production. Assembly Line: This approach is believed to be the most suitable for automobile production. To effectively manufacture an automobile, the material flows along a moving assembly line and passes through different work stations at which operations are performed (Verweire Berghe, 2004). To make the work flow smoothly, equal time is allotted to complete the operations at each station. References Chase, R. B. et. al. (2006). Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. USA: McGraw-Hill International. Larson, E. W. Gray, C. F. (2006). Project Management: The Managerial Process. USA: McGraw- Hill International. Sowell, T. J. (2006). Strategic Manufacturing Management. USA: Xlibris Corporation. Verweire, K. Berghe, L. V. D. (2004). Integrated Performance Management: A Guide to Strategy Implementation. USA: SAGE.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Can Facebook Privacy be Trusted?

Can Facebook Privacy be Trusted? DISSERTATION PROPOSAL Dissertation Question: Facebook privacy: IS IT TO BE TRUSTED? View the full dissertation here 1. Introduction The world has changed; it has become more public than private (Kirkpatrick et al., 2010). The likes of Social Media has become an outlet that nobody can ignore, its features, characteristics and convenience encapsulates all that is needed for any walk of life chosen by an individual. Of course with the undying support for social media, especially Facebook, one has to ask his or herself, is it to trusted? Is my information being kept privately like they said it is? Some believe it is however some feel that is far safe. However, this study is going to give a clear-cut decision as to what the majority think and why. Of course, there is no right or wrong answer, and there is the likelihood that this study may not affect the broader picture, but it will give clarity and I think that is necessary.As supposed to concentrating on Social Media as a general platform this study will revolve around Facebook only so as to have a more tailored and focussed reading. I have chosen Facebook, because this is the Social Media outlet that revolutionised all those that were to follow. The physiological as well as sociological impacts will be ostracised, this will look at how Facebook affects the attitudes and body/verbal language of individuals. Last but not leady corporate governance will be looked at; this will test how Facebook is in line it at all with corporate governance codes Both sides of the arguments will be welcomed with reasons for balance and recommendation will be ushered as to how Facebook could become the safe zone that everyone urges for. 2. Brief Literature Review DOES PRIVACY EXIST IN FACEBOOK? Human beings are defined as social beings meaning they thrive through interpersonal interaction. This interaction comes with sharing of information to build relations. However, the information should never come from a third party. In the ancient years, this was something very easy to ensure due to the existent media of communication at the time (Eric, 2007). However, the technological realm has improved immensely by coming up with communication channels that traverse geographical distance and enhance communication convenience. Today, using social media one can easily communicate with any person in any corner of the planet and with this convenience comes the risk of third party infringement in the communication process (Fogel & Nehmad, 2009). Facebook is probably the most used social media platform in the world meaning it is a powerhouse for information and the highest in risk when it comes to privacy hence raising concerns as to whether this online platform is to be trusted. Privacy concerns Facebooks policy       Facebook gives users the chance to make sure that what they share does not end up in the wrong hands. This is made sure using the above meters. Additionally, a users information is made safe from misuse by using the companys data policy as a blue print (Liu, Gummadi, Krishnamurthy, & Mislove, 2011). Although, they collect all information shared on the media such as messages, financial information and images the company maintains that this information all goes towards enhancing the user experience by making the entire communication process more convenient (Boyd & Hargittai, 2010). At the end of the day Facebook is business venture. Although users do not pay anything in order to enjoy the application, the management have to pay the brains behind the creation. This is made possible through advertising which has evolved greatly because of the information collected about users (Raynes-Goldie, 2012). Just like sites like google use cookies to learn your online pattern, Facebook accesses information about the users in order to enhance personalized advertising. Who is at fault However, although they collect information the company does not really infringe on the rights of the individual. It is the users ignorance or lack of knowledge of the privacy feature that induces the privacy concerns (Bedi, 2013). It has been said that there is no secret between two people, so the moment one shares something on Facebook, they should know that the information is visible to all their friends. To protect the privacy of the shared information, Facebook advices one to only accept friend requests of those people they know (Statt, 2013). Additionally, today most employers do not seek out members of staff the traditional way, today they seek them out socially, this includes using their social media sites to look for information about them (Ostrow, 2009). Social media is a platform where people think they can share most of the things they cannot in their day to day conversations. Furthermore, it is an avenue where people can take on any character they want (Liu, Gummadi, Krishnamurthy, & Mislove, 2011). However, what one shares speaks volumes to those people on your friends list or anyone who is interested to see your activities online more so to a prospective employer. An employer may stumble on a post that may not really augur well with him or her and hence cost one a job opportunity. Therefore, for one an individual can control what they share to ensure they do not share anything another person may deem inappropriate (Warren, 2013). On the plus side is that its policy outline that the information they collect does not find its way to a third party, something they have proved time and again by incorporating more and more measures that spearhead their data policy (Zilles, 2017). On the other hand, an individual should quit being oblivious of the privacy policies they can enforce on the contents they share. This way even if an employer was to stumble upon their account, they cannot get to see their posts (Hoffman, 2012). This gives the individual a level ground where they can compete with those eying the same position on several fronts where social media posts is not one of them. On this note, I take a stance that Facebook privacy can be trusted at all costs and that it is the users who need to learn how to use them to their advantage (Warfel, 2008). 3. Methodology My chosen approach will be a combination of primary research and secondary research. These will be a mix of qualitative and quantitative data and also secondary research from journals, books, articles ect. My topic may sound clichà © and too common, but there are many unanswered questions surrounding this topic that still make it an entertaining and intriguing to read about and because of this there are many objectives that need to be requited. These objectives will be direct, and informative but most importantly will leave room scrutiny and constructive criticism, after all there is no right or wrong answer. Research questions are as follows: To what extent has Facebook bewitched individuals to believe that is safe. What evidence is there to show that Facebook is safe What evidence is there to show that Facebook isnt safe How does Facebooks productivity and performance affect the attitude of individuals If Facebook isnt safe how at tall how does that breach the code of corporate governance How can Facebook make it better Primary research aim: To prove if at all Facebook is an outlet to be trusted and why. In order to do justice to the objectives data collection will be done via questionnaire that will be sent out over a specific period of time to a specific target audience of about 50 or more people. This will be the bases of my primary data, but the formation will mostly derive from credible sources of secondary data, namely: the guardian, telegraph and electric forums (Survey Monkey). This all will be emulated to create a constructive argument. The biggest advantage is that I am surrounded by people of the same age group from different cultures, backgrounds, ages, points of views that use outlets such as Facebook, many may not use it at all which again gives room for a smorgasbord of ideas that are at my disposal. This will make my primary data concrete, accurate and give it a sense of validity. Since Facebook is a global company, information will gathered globally and not only from London or the UK, this allows leverage and gives more to talk about. In terms of target audience, since people of all ages use Facebook my data will not only be focussed on the younger generation but older and this is where secondary data comes in use. If done appropriately the objective and overall dissertation should be answered. 4. Time Scale For the dissertation when it comes to time scale it should take me no more than 2 weeks to gather all the data that I will need for my dissertation. One week will be in order to research my topic question and gather all the secondary data that I will need and the other week will be in order to carry out the questionnaires and focus groups or one to one interviews. Overall, I have a time scale which I would like to meet which is as follows: Gather Secondary Data One week Hand out Questionnaires and Data Analysis One Week Have a dissertation draft done 02-Apr Finalise Dissertation 20-Apr Proof Read Dissertation 20-30 April Submit Dissertation Final 30-Apr 5. References Bedi, M. (2013). Facebook and interpersonal privacy: why the third party doctrine should not apply. DePaul University College of Law, 1-73. Boyd, D., & Hargittai, E. (2010). Facebook Privacy Settings: Who Cares? First Monday. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2017). Eric, B. (2007). Privacy in social networking: A usability study of privacy interfaces for Facebook. Thesis: Harvard College, 1-125. Fogel, J., & Nehmad, E. (2009). Internet social network communities: Risk taking, trust, and privacy concerns. Computers in Human Behavior, 153-160. Hoffman, B. C. (2012). An exploratory study of a users Facebook security and privacy settings. Theses: Minnesota State University, 1-59. Kirkpatrick, marshall, kendall, len, young, mat, macmanus, richard, lardinois, frederic, jeffries, adrianne, Curry, D., Sponsors, R., Wolf, D., Jacobs, C.C. and Power, D. (2010) Why Facebook is wrong: Privacy is still important. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2017). Liu, Y., Gummadi, K. P., Krishnamurthy, B., & Mislove, A. (2011). Analyzing facebook privacy settings: User expectations vs reality. ACM Digital Library, 61-70. Ostrow, A. (2009, September 16). Privacy: Facebook is one of Americas most trusted companies. Available (Accessed: 23 February 2017). Raynes-Goldie, K. S. (2012). Privacy in the age of Facebook: Discourse, Architecture, Consequences. Theses: Curtin University , 1-266. Statt, N. (2013, May 3). Facebooks new trusted contacts: can you really trust your friends. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2017). Warfel, E. A. (2008). Perceptions of privacy on Facebook. Thesis: Rochester Institute of Technology, 1-32. Warren, K. (2013, May 13). Recruiting in todays social media age: How to manage your online presence. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2017). Zilles, C. (2017, January 17). Can Facebook be trusted with all your personal information. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2017).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Diagnostic Imaging for Breast Cancer Symptoms

Diagnostic Imaging for Breast Cancer Symptoms The role of diagnostic imaging in the initial investigation of female patients symptomatic for breast cancer, and its subsequent application in the staging process. Introduction Breast Cancer is the term used for cancers found within the breast tissue. Usually breast cancer is the result of a small change in the regulatory cycles that the tissue goes through. Any changes in these can result in malignant growths within the breast tissue. As stated by Breast Cancer Now (2016), Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women in the UK with over 50,000 new cases diagnosed in women each year, in the UK alone, thus approximately 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with some form of breast malignancy in their lifetime. Furthermore, not all breast cancer occurs in females, in the UK roughly 350 men are also diagnosed with breast cancer each year. The survival rate of breast cancer is quite high at around 90%, states Breast Cancer Care (2016), which highlights how effective treatment currently is. However, it is the most common cause of death in women aged 40-50. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012a). Per Sestak, I. et al (2012), there are many factors that can predispose a person to the risk of breast cancer. These include: increasing age, geographical variation, breast density, age at first pregnancy, age at menarche and menopause, family history, genes, previous breast disease, radiation, lifestyle, oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy. As stated by Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012a), Breast cancer lumps are usually hard and painless, with an irregular shape. They are approximately 2cm before they are palpable and can be felt. Most lumps are found in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. A lump is the most common symptom but there are other signs and symptoms that can be indicative of breast cancer. These other symptoms include: bleeding from the nipple (rare), change in shape or size, ulceration, swelling in breast or arm due to blockage of lymphatic circulation, peau dorange which is usually the result of fluid in the dermis and axillary lumps. These symptoms are not present in all cases and are indicative of the different stages and kinds of breast cancer. Content Discussion People with breast cancer symptoms usually undergo what is known as a Triple Assessment. A triple assessment comprises of a clinical examination, imaging examinations and pathological evaluation. This assessment process is usually able to diagnose 95% of malignant breast cancers. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) also states that before a clinical examination occurs, the patients history is taken into consideration, as this can aid the diagnose or other potential causes of the symptoms. Usually the history that is considered includes: the history of the current complaint, family history of breast or ovarian cancers, HRT and oral contraceptives history, previous diseases and surgeries, allergies and smoking history. Clinical Assessment of Breast Cancer As stated before clinical examination is the first step in a triple assessment to diagnose breast cancer. Clinical examination is done to assess dimpling, which is usually an early sign, as it occurs because of the contraction of the ligaments of Cooper. Clinical examination can also distinguish between coarse nodular tissue and an actual lump in the breast tissue. The colour and site of any discharge at the nipple is also recorded and tested for any blood within the discharged fluid. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b). Imaging in Diagnosis of Breast Cancer As stated by Vaidya, J.S et al (2012b), Both mammography and ultrasonography have important roles in the diagnosis of breast cancer, but the use of other modalities, such as magnetic resonance and infrared imaging, is being developed. Mammography can detect over 95% of clinically detectable cancers. However, it does not aid the diagnosis of a patient with a discrete lump. In this case diagnosis relies heavier on cytology and histology. It may also be of use in the detection of cancer in patients with coarse nodular breasts and is particularly useful in dense breast tissues. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) Another use for mammography is to accurately assess where the cancer is located. This information can also be used to aid biopsy and surgeries.ÂÂ   Mammography can also reveal that there is an impalpable lump in the other asymptomatic breast which otherwise would have gone undetected. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) If a mass is detected on a mammogram, a range of codes are typically used to determine the potential malignancy of the mass. These are defined by Willet, A. et al, for the Association of Breast Surgery (2010) as: M1 Normal M2 Benign M3 Indeterminate/Likely Benign M4 Suspicion of Malignancy M5 Highly suspicious of Malignancy. Another key imaging technique used in the diagnosis of breast cancer is ultrasonography. Ultrasound shows the difference between a cyst or a more solid mass. Therefore, a mass can be confirmed to be a cyst and can be drained using needle aspiration. However, a blood-stained aspirate may be a result of a cancer within the cyst which was previously unidentified. The sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound in the diagnosis of breast lumps has continued to improve with growing technological advances. Benign lumps appear as well-defined masses with no acoustic shadow. Malignant lumps are ill-defined masses, with a varying echogenicity and/or have evidence of microcalcifications within them. Ultrasound is also the preferred imaging method in women under the age of 30, as their breasts tend to be less dense and are therefore radiosensitive. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b). The NICE Guidelines (2015), also state that, ultrasound evaluation of the axilla should be performed for all patients bein g investigated for early invasive breast cancer. Fine-needle aspiration cytology is also used in breast cancer diagnosis by inserting a small needle into a lump which is located during the examination using ultrasound. The aspirate on the needle is then examined under a microscope by a pathologist which can then diagnose a breast cancer with almost 100% specificity depending on their level of skill and training. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) Imaging in Staging of Diagnosed Breast Cancer If the tumour is large and there is extensive lymph-node involvement, preoperative staging is prudent. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) As stated by RCR guidelines (2014), the objectives of staging are to: assess the size of a tumour, assess for other involvement of the skin or chest wall, assess multifocality of tumour, to assess the nodal status and to assess for any metastatic spread. MRI is used in staging any indeterminate lesions. The expense of MRI is now becoming less of an issue as the cost of an MRI breast coil is considered relatively low. The injection of a contrast agent during MRI enables the vascularity of a lesion to be visualised. The downside of this is that a specifically trained team is required to undergo this route of imaging. Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) NICE guidelines (2015), state that MRI is not recommended in the preoperative assessment of patients with invasive breast cancer that has been proven by biopsy or ductal carcinoma in-situ. It should only be offered to those where the extent of metastases is indeterminate, breast density has caused mammography to be indefinite or to assess tumour size to aid surgery for invasive lobular cancer. Computed Tomography is stated by the RCR Guidelines (2014), to be used with patients who have advanced symptoms and are suspected to have a further progressed cancer. Reasons for request of a CT to stage breast cancer include: bone pain and breathlessness. If the use of CT for staging is used, intravascular contrast media should be employed during the scan. The scan should include the supraclavicular fossa, the chest and the liver. The RCR Guidelines (2014), state that Photon Emission Tomography should not be used for early stage breast cancer but should be used more to assess metastatic spread. It is also used to assess potentially multi-focal disease or suspected recurrence if a patient has particularly dense breasts. Axially node status is usually assessed by using US, with the use of fine-needle aspiration or biopsy of any suspicious nodes. RCR Guidelines (2014). Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) also suggest that routine staging in early breast cancer, as the results are usually less than 4%. Thus, these investigations can slow down the otherwise relatively quick treatment and can cause the patient unnecessary anxiety as they await results. Follow-up and Surveillance after treatment of Breast Cancer It is suggested by Vaidya, J.S. et al (2012b) that patients who have had a mastectomy are at a higher risk of developing cancer in the remaining breast and should therefore undergo regular mammograms for surveillance. They also suggest that colour Doppler ultrasound scanning of a breast that has had a malignant tumour postoperatively is likely to increase the chances of an early diagnosis should there be any recurrence. RCR guidelines (2013) state that women who have been treated for breast cancer under the age of 50 should have a yearly mammogram as surveillance follow up. After 50 the guidelines are unclear but it is currently recommended that surveillance mammograms are routinely performed every 2-3 years. NICE guidelines (2015), also state that an annual mammography should be offered to all those with early breast cancers, including DCIS until they reach the age for screening. These guidelines recommend that patients of the age for screening should have also annual mammograms for 5 years. The NICE guidelines (2015), further suggest that US nor MRI should be offered in post-treatment surveillance for those who have been treated for DCIS or other early stage breast cancers. Conclusion In summary, it is essential that patients presenting symptoms which usually pertain to a breast cancer undergo a thorough assessment, including multiple imaging examinations not just for the diagnosis of the cancer, but also the staging and the follow-up once the cancer has been successfully treated. Mammography and Ultrasound are the two key imaging techniques that are vital in my opinion within diagnosis. They enable a fast and usually efficient result which can then be used for staging. Ultrasound can be seen to have more benefits as it does not use ionising radiation unlike mammography, but mammography is essential is those patients who have highly dense breast tissue. This is usually postmenopausal patients who tend to be the high-risk group of developing breast cancer. CT and Ultrasound are mainly used during staging. This stage is vital in patients with more progressive breast cancer, but if the tumour has been caught in the early stages, staging methods can usually be skipped as it is more efficient to immediately commence treatment methods. Follow-up imaging is also essential as those who have undergone treatment of breast cancer are at higher risk of recurrence in either breast. In conclusion, imaging is one the most essential tools available in the diagnosis, staging and follow-up of breast cancer. Without the current imaging techniques, we have today the 95% survival rate of breast cancer would likely be nowhere near as high. Reference List: Breast Cancer Care. (2016). Prognosis. Available: Last accessed 27th Mar 2017. Breast Cancer Now. (2016). Breast Cancer Statistics. Available: Last accessed 27th Mar 2017. NICE guidelines. (2015). Early and locally advanced breast cancer: diagnosis and treatment. Breast Cancer. Last Accessed: 30th Mar 2017 Sestak, I et al. (2012). Breast Cancer: Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Genetics. In: Dickson, J ABC of Breast Disease. 4th ed. London: BMJ Books. p41-47. The Royal College of Radiologists (2013). Guidance on screening and symptomatic breast imaging. 3rd ed. London: The Royal College of Radiologists.ÂÂ   Pg.7 The Royal College of Radiologists (2014). Recommendations for cross-sectional imaging in cancer management. 2nd ed. London: The Royal College of Radiologists. P2-4 Vaidya, J.S., Joseph, D. Jones, A. (2012b), Fast Facts: Breast Cancer Diagnosis, 4th ed. edn, Health Press Limited, Abingdon.ÂÂ   P47-64 Vaidya, J.S., Joseph, D. Jones, A. (2012a), Fast Facts: Breast Cancer Pathophysiology, 4th ed. edn, Health Press Limited, Abingdon.ÂÂ   P28-46 Willet, A. et al. (2010). Diagnosis and Imaging.ÂÂ   Best Practice Diagnostic Guidelines for Imaging of Symptomatic Patient. Department of Health. p 49.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Intertextuality in Buffy The Vampire Slayer :: Television Shows TV Essays

Intertextuality in Buffy The Vampire Slayer A vivid and 'realistic' subjective experience of TV dramatic fiction is almost axiomatic of viewer enjoyment. To feel a personal engagement with the depicted events, to experience a sense of the fictional space as subjectively real and to become drawn into that space are arguably defining features of enjoyable television viewing, as they are of film and of literature. In this paper, I will argue that certain forms of intertextuality play a key role in producing this experience. In cult TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), these forms of intertextuality are used in abundance, and BtVS is therefore an excellent vehicle for exploring their psychological impact. Krzywinska (2002) notes that BtVS demands a sophisticated level of engagement by viewers, and that this is encouraged by a number of strategies, including intertextual references. She notes that the show makes many references, for example to shows such as Xena and the novels of Anne Rice, and that these are 'Part of a common cultural vocabulary that connects characters to a broader "real" world culture. Such references lend the series a greater sense of meaningfulness, and textual richness, further encouraging discussion between viewers and helping to interlace the Buffyverse with everyday life' (p 190). Other references to the 'real' world (for example the fact that Giles is said to have brought many of his books from the British Library, and the frequent use of the Internet): provide an important way of linking the diegetic world to other texts, to history, and to viewers' cultural knowledge This is important to the series' project of making connections with viewers' lives: the aim of which is to build a cultural vocabulary gleaned from the "real" world that is common to both viewers and characters' (pp 192 3). For Krzywinska, such devices make the audience attentive and make the viewing experience richer and more rewarding. However, the argument presented here will be that such intertextuality has further psychological effects that serve to draw the viewer into the fantasy world of BtVS and to intensify the feeling of involvement. So that the rewards for the viewer go beyond merely 'catching the references'. At this point, it seems necessary to enter into a brief discussion of what I am assuming by the term 'the viewer'. What follows is fundamentally a textual analysis of the positions that BtVS makes available or offers us, and invites us to take up (however, as will become clear, I am in no way suggesting that these subject positions are identificatory in the usual sense.

Fight Club Essay -- essays research papers

What did the film Distort?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A film adaptation of a book can be like hearsay. The author writes a novel to send a certain message. Someone else reads it interprets it in a different way and talks to a film producer. The film producers then take its, leaves out major events, change the ending and make a film with a completely different message than the author. The author then screams bloody murder then takes his cut from the box office. Joesph Boggs, the author of Problems with Adaptation, says â€Å"We expect the film to duplicate exactly the experience we had seeing the play or in reading the novel. That is, of course, completely impossible† (Boggs 672). No one told this theory to David Fincher, the director of Fight Club. Fincher stuck almost like glue to the novel. He did however, change a few events in the novel and the ending but stills successfully puts Palahniuk’s words on screen that even made Palahniuk happy to earn his profits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most of the changes Fincher made to Palahniuk novel were minor and insignificant. One example is the fat Tyler and the narrator used to make soap. In the novel, they steal the fat from Marla. Marla was keeping her mother's liposuction fat for her own plastic surgery. They steal the fat and store it in the Paper Street Soap Company's fridge. In the movie, Fincher had Tyler and the Narrator steal it from a plastic surgery dumpster. In the novels version it could be interpreted as another th...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hybrid Vehicles Vs. Electric Vehicles Essay -- null

In this day and age, our world is being consumed by the rapid growth of the world’s population. From the beginnings of time with cave men thousands of years ago up until the Industrial Revolution, the number of people living on this planet never passed a billion, and was always growing at a slow pace. When the Industrial Revolution hit the population skyrocketed to over 7 billion people. The growth of population has not slowed down since then, and more technological advances are popping up everyday to help balance the rapid growth. The amount of people in the world is literally growing each and every day. As the population grows we put more demands on our planet to provide for the billions and billions of people inhabiting it. The world cannot change to provide for these large populations and huge demands, so we must start being more efficient to sustain ourselves. This means doing everything we can from producing food more efficiently to mining materials in a smarter and bet ter way. If we are not able to make simple changes to become more efficient we will over use our planet’s resources and create drastic issues in the future. One way people have been trying to cut back and be more efficient is through a recent technological development in the car industry. New vehicles have been created with more efficient uses of earth’s resources such as ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV) like hybrids, and zero emission vehicles (ZEV) like hydrogen fuel cell electrics. Major breakthroughs and development of these new generation of vehicles has immensely grown in the past twenty years. When the internal combustion engine was invented, there were a lot fewer people inhabiting the earth, oil supplies were seemingly endless, and air quality wa... ...p., 9 Apr. 2013. Web. 1 Apr. 2014 Buchanan, Mike. "$20 Million Investment To Create More Cost Effective EV Battery." Inside EVs. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2014. Donald L. Anglin, "Electric vehicle," in AccessScience,  ©McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008, "" Vehicle Technologies Office. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. Gilles, Tom. â€Å"Hybrid Vehicles.† Automotive Service. 4rd ed. Clifton Park: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2008. Print. "Providence Journal Environment Reporter Peter Lord, 60, Dies; Service Set."ReNewable Now: April 2012. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. Robert Farrington, Jeffrey Gonder, "Hybrid automotive power systems," in AccessScience,  ©McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008 Sharifi, Jim. "Auto Repair Costs Are on the Rise." Best Cars, Best Trucks and Best SUVs from U.S. News. U.S. News, 9 Apr. 2013. Web. 3 Apr. 2014.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Eia Malaysia

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) Procedure and Requirements in Malaysia CONTENTS Page I. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT What is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Why do we need EIA? Which activities are subject to EIA How to conduct EIA II. THE EIA PROCEDURE IN MALAYSIA Integrated Project Planning Concept How is EIA Report Processed and Approved ? Organisational Structure Preliminary EIA Reports Detailed EIA Reports Classification of Projects by Timing of EIA Report Submission (Project Planning Cycle) Consultation III. ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO EIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 5 9 9 9LIST OF FIGURES 1 2 3a 3b Outline of Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure in Malaysia Integrated Project Planning Concept Organisational Structure of EIA Report Processing and Approval Procedure at State Offices Organisational Structure of EIA Report Processing and Approval Procedure at the Department of Environment Headquarters Organisational Structure of Detailed EIA Report Processing and Approval Pr ocedure LIST OF TABLES 1 2a 2b 2c Classification of Projects by Timing of EIA Report Submission (Project Planning Cycle) Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Defined by Quantum) Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Defined by Project Size) Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Not Defined by Unit of Measure) 3 4 4 5 3c 6 7 11 12 13 ii LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 Environmental Quality Act, 1974 1985) Section 34a 2 Environmental Quality Act, 1974. Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987 Offices of the Department of Environment Page (Amendment, 14 16 21 3 iii I. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT What is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)? EIA is a study to identify, predict, evaluate and communicate information about the impacts on the environment of a proposed project and to detail out the mitigating measures prior to project approval and implementation.Why do we need EIA? EIA is essentially a planning tool for preventing environmental problems due to an action. It seeks to avoid costly mistakes in project implementation, either because of the environmental damages that are likely to arise during project implementation, or because of modifications that may be required subsequently in order to make the action environmentally acceptable. In Malaysia, EIA is required under section 34A, Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (APPENDIX 1). EIA when integrated into the existing planning and decision-making machinery, provides additional information towards better decision-making. Which activities are subject to EIA?Activities subject to EIA are prescribed under the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order, 1987 (APPENDIX 2). A copy of this Order may be obtained from the Government Printers or from any office of the Department of Environment (APPENDIX 3). How to conduct EIA? To assist you in the preparation of environmental impact assessment reports, you may refer to â€Å"A Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines† and EIA guidelines for specific activities published by the Department of Environment. II. THE EIA PROCEDURE IN MALAYSIA The EIA procedure adopted in Malaysia consists of three major steps.The steps in the EIA procedure, which are shown in Figure 1, can be described as follows: Preliminary assessment relates to the initial assessment of the impacts due to those activities that are prescribed. Preliminary assessment is the stage of the EIA procedure that should normally be initiated at the pre-feasibility study stage of the development of an activity. Project options are identified at this stage and any significant residual environmental impacts are made known. The preliminary report that is prepared is reviewed by a technical committee in the DOE internally. However, where expertise within the Department is lacking, assistance from other government and non-government agencies may be sought.Detailed assessment is undertaken for those projects for which significant residual environmental impacts have been predicted in the preliminary assessment. The assessment should ideally continue during project feasibility, and the detailed EIA Report be submitted for approval by the Director General of Environmental Quality prior to the giving of approval by the relevant Federal or State Government authority for the implementation of the project. Detailed assessment is carried out based on specific terms of reference issued by an ad hoc Review Panel appointed by the Director General. The EIA Report that is prepared is reviewed by the ad hoc Review Panel chaired by the Director General.Review of EIA Reports is carried out internally by the DOE for preliminary assessment reports and by an ad hoc Review Panel for detailed assessment reports. Recommendations arising out of the review are transmitted to the relevant project approving authorities for consideration in making a decision on the project. The normal period allocated for a review of a preliminary assessment report is one month while that for a detailed assessment report is two months. The DOE maintains a list of experts who may be called upon to sit as 1 members of any Review Panel established. The selection of the experts depends on the areas of environmental impacts to be reviewed.Other main features of the EIA procedure as shown in Figure 1 include the following: The Approving Authority is the Government Authority that has the task of deciding, whether or not a project should proceed. The authorities include the following: 1. The National Development Planning Committee (NDPC) for Federal Government sponsored projects; 2. The State Executive Council (EXCO) for State Government sponsored projects; 3. The various Local Authorities or Regional Development Authorities (RDA) with respect to planning approval within their re spective area; and 4. The Ministry of Trade and Industry or MIDA for industrial projects. Recommendations arising from the review of the EIA Reports are forwarded to the relevant project approving authorities.At the completion of the review period for a detailed EIA, a Detailed Assessment Review Document is issued by the Review Panel. This document may include: 1. Comments on the Detailed Assessment report; 2. Recommendations to the project proponent and the project approving authority including any specific conditions attached to the project approval; and 3. Recommendations for environmental monitoring and auditing. Integrated Project Planning Concept The EIA Procedure in Malaysia is designed to follow the Integrated Project Planning Concept as shown in Figure 2. The features of the concept include the following: 1. At the onset, during the project identification stage, the need to conduct an EIA study is also determined. 2.If the project requires Preliminary Assessment, it is done in parallel with the Pre-feasibility Study for the project. 3. Similarly, if Detailed Assessment is required, it is conducted as part of the Feasibility Study for the project. 4. The Preliminary Assessment and Detailed Assessment reports are reviewed simultaneously with the Pre-feasibility and Feasibility reports respectively, before a final decision on the project is made. During project construction and project operation environmental monitoring is carried out. 2 3 The concept is recommended to be followed to minimise project delay and improve project planning. How are EIA Reports Processed and Approved?Organisational Structure As of 1st January 1994, all Preliminary EIA Reports are processed and approved by the Department of Environment State Offices except for Kedah and Perlis. EIA Reports for Kedah and Perlis and those for projects within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and projects involving more than one state are processed by officers at the Department of Environment Head quarters. All Detailed EIA Reports are processed and approved at Headquarters. Preliminary EIA Reports Figure 3a illustrates the organisational structure of the Preliminary EIA Report processing and approval procedure at the Department of Environment State Offices. The organisational structure is headed by the State Director.He is responsible for approving or rejecting an EIA Report. One-Stop Agency meetings with other relevant agencies or departments are held when necessary. Comments and verifications from relevant agencies or departments are sought for certain cases. The State Director is assisted by Environmental Control Officers and Assistant Environmental Control Officers. Figure 3a. Organisational Structure of EIA Report Processing and Approval Procedure at State Offices Figure 3b shows the organisational structure of the EIA Report processing and approval procedure at the Department of Environment Headquarters. The organisational set-up is headed by the Director of Prevention Division.He is assisted by the Head of Evaluation Section and Senior Environmental Control Officers chairing the EIA Technical Committee meeting. The EIA Technical Committee is an in-house committee set 4 up to examine the Preliminary EIA Reports. One-Stop Agency meetings with relevant departments or agencies are held when necessary. Comments and verifications from the departments or agencies are acquired when necessary. The Committee formulates recommendations to the Director of Prevention Division on the acceptability of the Preliminary EIA Report. Detailed EIA Reports Figure 3c illustrates the organisational structure of the Detailed EIA Report processing and approval procedure.The Organisational set-up is headed by the Director General of Environment Quality who is responsible for approving or rejecting the EIA report. He is assisted by the Director of Prevention Division, who also functions as Secretary to the Detailed EIA ad hoc Review Panel. The Chairman of this panel is the Director General of Environmental Quality. The Detailed EIA Review Panel’s main task is to critically review Detailed EIA Reports and formulate recommendations to the relevant project approving authority. The Detailed EIA Review Panel is established on an ad hoc basis specifically for a particular project. The panel comprises independent members of relevant disciplines, from different organisations such as Universities and Non-Governmental organisations.Detailed EIA Reports are also displayed at all Department of Environment Offices, as well as public and university libraries for public comments. The public are widely notified through the mass media when and where the Detailed EIA Reports are available for review and comment. The Evaluation (EIA) section which is headed by a Principal Assistant Director comprises EIA Report Processing Desk Officers assisted by Assistant Environmental Control Officers. The desk officers are trained in different disciplines including Environme ntal Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Physics, Economics, Sociology and Ecology. 5 6TABLE 1 CLASSIFICATION OF EIA REPORTS BY TIMING OF SUBMISSION (PROJECT PLANNING CYCLE) PROJECT PLANNING CYCLE Project Identification Sourcing for Technology or Licence Pre-feasibility/ Siting Decision Feasibility/Project Design REPORT CLASSIFICATION 0 1 EIA ISSUE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING CYCLE Exploring environmentally sound projects Assessment for environmentally sound technology Base line study and submission of preliminary assessment report Extended cost benefit analysis and submission of complete or detailed EIA report EIA report to be approved by the Director General of DOE, prior to licence to be granted by relevant government agencies, or lease to be given, land conversion or change of ownership approval by State Government Budget appro val Contract 4 Are sufficient environmental specifications and safeguard incorporated in contract documents and agreements? Is the design complying with all the specifications? PROJECT APPROVAL Is the project environmentally sound? Is the technology most advanced and clean? Is the proposed site environmentally least sensitive? Own approval or Memorandum of Understanding Business transactions, technology transfer and licence agreement DOE clearance 2 3 Does the project design incorporate all the required pollution control and other environment mitigating measures?Written permission Detailed Design 5 Submission of plans on pollution control and other environmental mitigating measures Tendering 6 Is sufficient budget provided for environmental control and other environmental mitigating measures in the tender exercise and award? Are project development and construction closely supervised? Does the project meeting all set standards and conditions? Is the project fully complying with the imposed standards all the time? Are there significant residual environmental impacts? – Development and Construction Commissioning 7 Environmental monitoring Approval by land, resources, safety, health, environment and local authorities Certification by safety, health, environment, and local authorities – 8Continuation of monitoring and project auditting Source and environmental monitoring Operation and Maintenance Abandonment/End of Project Line 9 x Continued environmental monitoring Approval by the relevant Federal, State and Environment Authorities 7 Key Classification 1 – High Distinction 2 – Distinction 3 – High Credit 4 5 6 – Credit – Simple Credit – Low Credit 7 – Low Pass 8 – Just Pass 9 – Fail 8 Classification of Projects by Timing of EIA Report Submission (Project Planning Cycle) In order to integrate the environmental dimension in the project planning or designing process, the timing of submissio n of an EIA Report to the Department of Environment for approval is vital.The proper timing of submission of an EIA Report is essential so as not to cause any major disruption to the overall project planning cycle. The project initiator is encouraged to submit the EIA Report as early as at the project identification stage to enable recommendations on environmental changes or modifications to the project plan to be incorporated. On the other hand, submission of an EIA Report towards the end of the project planning cycle will reduce the value of an EIA, and possibly increase environmental costs or delay implementation of the project. In order to guide project proponents, a classification system for EIA reports has been made in accordance with time of submission as tabulated in Table 1.The timing of submission of an EIA Report corresponding to the stage of project planning cycle has been divided into nine classifications. The nine classifications are ranked from ‘high distinction ’ to ‘failure’. In addition, the corresponding environmental issues, and requirements for project approval have also been identified for the various stages of project planning. For example, the submission of an EIA Report at the stage of project identification or sourcing for technology is classified as Class 1 and given ‘high distinction’, whilst reports submitted towards the end of project construction or commissioning falls under Class 8 and is ranked ‘low pass’.An EIA Report submitted at the commencement of the project identification stage will give an opportunity to project planners to exhaust environmental issues and to find solutions to them prior to project implementation. In instances where undesirable significant adverse environmental impacts are identified, alternatives which are environmentally acceptable should be found. This exercise should be repeated until an acceptable solutions is found. Consultation Although there is n o requirement for notification and a project proponent is under no formal obligation to consult the Department of Environment about his proposal before submission of his EIA Report, there are practical reasons for doing so.The Department of Environment and other relevant departments will often possess useful information in particular, data on environmental quality, local problems, as well as aspects of the project most likely to be of concern and requiring emphasis in the EIA Report. It would be beneficial for all concerned if project approval authorities can advise potential project proponents as soon as a project is conceived to check with the Department of Environment to ascertain if EIA is required. By doing this, the issues of timing and delay can be avoided. III. ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO EIA The Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activites) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987 which is made under powers conferred by section 34A of the Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (Amend ment) 1985 specifies those activities that are subject to EIA.Nineteen categories of activities are prescribed and these include those related to: agriculture, airport, drainage and irrigation, land reclamation, fisheries, forestry, housing, industry, infrastructure, ports, mining, petroleum, power generation, quarries, railways, transportation, resort and recreational development, waste treatment and disposal, and water supply. Many of the activities related to these nineteen categories are defined in terms of project size (as area), capacity (quantum) while others are not defined by any unit of measure. Hence, to assist project initiators or project approving authorities to make quick decisions on whether a proposed activity is subject to the Act or otherwise, three simple checklists have been prepared as follows: a) Activities defined by quantum (Table 2a); 9 b) Activities defined by project size (Table 2b); and c) Activities not defined by unit of measure (Table 2c). 10Table 2a Malaysia: Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Defined by Quantum) Quantum 60000 5000 4500 200 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 30 10 Unit Barrel Tonne Cubicmetres Tonnes/ day Family Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ hour Megawatts Activity Construction of product depot for storage of petrol, gas or diesel Shipyards Groundwater development for industrial, agricultural or urban water supply Iron and steel industries using scrap iron Agricultural programmes necessitating resettlement Chemical production industries Lime production industries using rotary kiln Iron and steel industries using iron ore Non ferrous industries other than aluminium and copper Lime production industries using vertical kiln Pulp and paper industry Cement industries Construction of steam generated power stations using fossil fuels 8 (c) 8 (d) 8 (g) 8 (d) 1 (b) 8 (a) 8 (d) 8 (e) Number 12 (e) 8 (f) 19 (b) 8 (e) 13 (a) 11 Table 2b Malay sia: Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Defined by Project Size) Project Size Unit Activity Number 5000 Hectare 500 Hectare 500 Hectare 500 Hectare 400 Hectare 250 Hectare 200 Hectare 200 100 100 80 50 50 Hectare Family Hectare Room Hectare Hectare 50 Hectare 50 Hectare 50 Hectare 50 Hectare 50 50 50 40 Hectare Hectare Kilometre Hectare 2. 5 KilometreIrrigation schemes Land development schemes to bring forest land into agricultural production Development of agricultural estates involving changes in types of agricultural use Logging Construction of dams and hydroelectric power scheme reservoirs Mining of mineral in new areas Construction of dams and man-made lakes and artificial enlargement of lakes Construction of dams or impounding reservoirs Agricultural programmes necessitating resettlement Drainage of wetland, wild-life habitat or virgin forest Construction of coastal resort facilities or hotel Coastal reclamation Land-based aquaculture projects accompanied by clearing of mangrove swamp forest Conversion of hill forest land to other land use Conversion of mangrove swamps for industrial, housing, or agricultural use Housing development Industrial estate development for medium and heavy industries Sand dredging Hill station resort or hotel development Construction of off-shore and on-shore pipeline Construction of dams and hydroelectric power schemes with dams over 15 metres high Construction of airports 3 (c) 1 (a) 1 (c) 6 (c) 13 (b) ii 11 (a) 3 (a) 19 (a) 1 (b) 3 (b) 17 (a) 4 5 (c) 6 (a) 6 (d) 7 9 (b) 11 (c) 17 (b) 12 (b) 13 (b)i 2 (a) 12 Table 2c Malaysia: Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Not Defined by Unit of Measure) Prescribed Activity AIRPORT FISHERIES Activity Airstrip development in state and national parks Construction of fishing harbours Harbour expansion involving an increase of 0 per cent or more in fish landing capacity per annum Logging or conversion of fore st land to other land use within the catchment area of reservoirs used for municipal water supply, irrigation or hydropower generation or in areas adjacent to state and national parks and national marine parks Clearing of mangrove swamps on islands adjacent to national marine parks Petrochemicals industries – all sizes Primary smelting of aluminium and copper – all sizes Construction of hospitals with outfall into beachfronts used for recreational purposes Construction of expressways Construction of national highways Construction of new townships Construction of ports Port expansion involving an increase of 50 per cent or more in handling capacity per annum Ore processing including concentrating for aluminium, copper, gold or tantalum Oil and gas fields development Construction of oil and gas separation, processing, handling and storage facilities Construction of oil refineries Construction of combined cycle power stations Construction of nuclear-fueled power stations Number 2 (b) 5 (a) 5 (b) FORESTRY 6 (b) 6 (e) 8 (b) 8 (c) 9 (a) 9 (c) 9 (d) 9 (e) 10 (a) 10 (b) INDUSTRY INFRASTRUCTURE PORTS MINING 11 (b) 12 (a) 12 ( c) 12 (d) 13 (c) 13 (d) PETROLEUM POWER GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION 13Table 2c (Continuation) Prescribed Activity QUARRIES Activity Proposed quarrying of aggregate limestone, silica, quartzite, sandstone, marble and decorative building stone within 3 kilometres of any existing residential, commercial or industrial areas, or any area for which a licence, permit or approval has been granted for residential, commercial or industrial development Construction of new routes Construction of branch lines Construction of Mass Rapid Transport projects Number 14 15 (a) 15 (b) 16 RAILWAYS TRANSPORTATION RESORT AND RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Development of tourist or recreational facilities in national parks 17 (c) Development of tourist or recreational facilities on islands in surrounding waters which are gazetted as national marine parks 17 (d)WA STE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL (Toxic and Hazardous Waste) Construction of incineration plant Construction of recovery plant (off-site) Construction of wastewater treatment plant (off-site) Construction of secure landfill facility Construction of storage facility (off-site) Construction of incineration plant Construction of composting plant Construction of recovery/recycling plant Construction of municipal solid waste landfill facility Construction of wastewater treatment plant Construction of marine outfall 18 (a)i 18 (a)ii 18 (a)iii 18 (a)iv 18 (a)v 18 (b)i 18 (b)ii 18 (b)iii 18 (b)iv 18 (c)i 18 (c)ii (Municipal Solid Waste) (Municipal Sewage) 14 APPENDIX 1 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, 1974 (AMENDMENT, 1985) SECTION 34A The Environmental Quality (Amendment) Act 1985, amended the Environmental Quality Act, 1974.Amendments include the insertion of section 34A which requires any person intending to carry out any prescribed activity to submit report on the impact on the environment to the D irector General of Environmental Quality for examination. The Amendment act was gazetted on 9 January 1986 and section 34A reads as follows:â€Å"34A (1) The Minister, after consultation with the Council, may by order prescribe any activity which have significant environment impact as prescribed activity. Any person intending to carry out any of the prescribed activities shall, before any approval for the carrying out of such activity is granted by the relevant approving authority, submit a report to the Director General.The report shall be in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the Director General and shall contain an assessment of the impact such activity will have or is likely to have on the environment and the proposed measures that shall be undertaken to prevent, reduce or control the adverse impact on the environment. If the Director General on examining the report and after making such inquiries as he considers necessary, is of the opinion that the report satisfies the requirements of subsection (2) and that the measures to be undertaken to prevent, reduce or control the adverse impact on the environment are adequate, he shall approve the report, with or without conditions attached thereto, and shall inform the person intending to carry out the prescrived activity and the relevant approving authorities accordingly.If the Director General, on examining the report and after making such inquiries as he considers necessary, is of the opinion that the report does not satisfy the requirements of subsection (2) or that the measures to be undertaken to prevent, reduce or control the adverse impact on the environment are inadequate, he shall not approve the report and shall give his reasons therefore and shall inform the person intending to carry out the prescribed activity and the relevant approving authorities accordingly. Provided that where such report is not approved it shall not preclude such person from revising and re-submitting the revised re port to the Director General for the approval. The Director General may if he considers it necessary require more than one report to be submitted to him for his approval. Any person intending to carry out a prescribed activity shall not carry out such activity until the report required under this section to be submitted to the Director General has been submitted and approved.If the Director General approves the report, the person carrying out the prescribed activity, in the course of carrying out such activity, shall provide sufficient proof that the conditions attached to the report (if any) are being complied with and that the proposed measures to be taken to prevent, reduce or control the adverse impact on the environment are being incorporated into the design, construction and operation of the prescribed activity. Any person who contravenes this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or both and to a further fine of one thousand ringgit for every day that the offence is continued after a notice by the Director General requiring him to comply with the act specified therein has been served upon him. † 15 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 16 APPENDIX 2 P. U. A) 362 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, 1974 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (PRESCRIBED ACTIVITES) (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) ORDER 1987 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 34A of the Environmental Quality Act 1974, the Minister, after consultation with the Environmental Quality Council, makes the following order: 1. This order may be cited as the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order, 1987 and shall come into force on the 1st April 1988. 2. The activities specified in the Schedule are prescribed to be prescribed activities. SCHEDULE 1. AGRICULTURE (a) Land development schemes covering an area of 500 hectares or more to bring forest land into agricultural production. Agricultural programmes necessitating the resettlement of 100 families or more.Development of agricultural estates covering an area of 500 hectares or more involving changes in types of agricultural use. (b) (c) 2. AIRPORT (a) (b) Construction of airports (having an airstrip of 2,500 metres or longer) Airstrip development in state and national parks. 3. DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION (a) Construction of dams and man-made lakes and artificial enlargement of lakes with surface area of 200 hectares or more. Drainage of wet land, wild-life habitat or of virgin forest covering an area of 100 hectares or more. Irrigation schemes covering an area of 5,000 hectares or more. (b) (c) 4. LAND RECLAMATION Coastal reclamation involving an area of 50 hectares or more. 5.FISHERIES (a) Construction of fishing harbours. 17 (b) Harbour expansion involving an increase of 50 per cent or more in fish landing capacity per annum. Land based aquaculture projects accompanied by clear ing of mangrove swamp forests covering an area of 50 hectares or more. (c) 6. FORESTRY (a) (b) Conversion of hill land to other land use covering an area of 50 hectares of more. Logging or conversion of forest land to other land use within the catchment area of reservoirs used for municipal water supply, irrigation or hydro-power generation or in areas adjacent to state and national parks and national marine parks. Logging covering an area of 500 hectares or more.Conversion of mangrove swamps for industrial, housing or agriculture use covering an area of 50 hectares or more. Clearing of mangrove swamps on islands adjacent to national marine parks. (c) (d) (e) 7. HOUSING Housing development covering an area of 50 hectares or more. 8. INDUSTRY (a) Chemical – Where production capacity of each product or of combined product is greater than 100 tonnes/day. – All sizes. – Primary smelting: Alluminium Copper Others (b) (c) Petrochemicals Non-ferrous – all sizes. – all sizes. – producing 50 tonnes/day and above of products. for clinker throughput of 30 tonnes/hour and above. – 100 tonnes/day and above burnt lime rotary kiln or 50 tonnes/day and above vertical kiln. (d) Non-metallic – Cement – Lime e) Iron and steel – Require iron ore as raw materials for production greater than 100 tonnes/day; or – Using scrap iron as raw materials for production greater than 200 tonnes/day – Dead Weight Tonnages greater than 5,000 tonnes. 18 (f) Shipyards (g) Pulp and paper industry – Production capacity greater than 50 tonnes/day 9. INFRASTRUCTURE (a) (b) Construction of hospitals with outfall into beachfronts used for recreational purposes. Industrial estate development for medium and heavy industries covering an area of 50 hectares or more. Construction of expressways. Construction of national highways. Construction of new townships. (c) (d) (e) 10.PORTS (a) (b) Construction of ports. Port e xpansion involving an increase of 50 per cent or more in handling capacity per annum. 11. MINING (a) Mining of minerals in new areas where the mining lease covers a total area in excess of 250 hectares. Ore processing, including concentrating for aluminium, copper, gold, or tantalum. Sand dredging involving an area of 50 hectares or more. (b) (c) 12. PETROLEUM (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Oil and gas fields development. Construction of off-shore and on-shore pipelines in excess of 50 kilometres in length. Construction of oil and gas separation, processing, handling, and storage facilities. Construction of oil refineries.Construction of product depots for the storage of petrol, gas or diesel (excluding service stations) which are located within 3 kilometre of any commercial, industrial or residential areas which have a combined storage capacity of 60,000 barrels or more. 13. POWER GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION (a) Construction of steam generated power stations burning fossil fuels and having a capacity of more than 10 megawatts. Dams and hydroelectric power schemes with either or both of the following: i) dams over 15 metres high and ancillary structures covering a total area in excess of 40 hectares. 19 (b) ii) (c) (d) 14. reservoirs with a surface area in excess of 400 hectares. Construction of combined cycle power stations. Construction of nuclear-fueled stations.QUARRIES Proposed quarrying of aggregate, limestone, silica, quartzite, sandstone, marble and decorative building stone within 3 kilometres of any existing residential, commercial or industrial areas, or any area for which a licence, permit or approval has been granted for residential, commercial or industrial development. 15. RAILWAYS (a) Construction of new routes. (b) Construction of branch lines. 16. TRANSPORTATION Construction of Mass Rapid Transport projects. 17. RESORT AND RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (a) (b) (c) (d) Construction of coastal resort facilities or hotels with more than 80 rooms. Hill station r esort or hotel development covering an area of 50 hectares or more.Development of tourist or recreational facilities in national parks. Development of tourist or recreational facilities on islands in surrounding waters which are gazetted as national marine parks. 18. WASTE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL (a) Toxic and Hazardous Waste i) Construction of incineration plant. ii) Construction of recovery plant (off-site). iii) Construction of wastewater treatment plant (off-site). iv) Construction of secure landfill facility. v) Construction of storage facility (off-site). Municipal Solid Waste i) Construction of incineration plant. ii) Construction of composting plant. iii) Construction of recovery/recycling plant. iv) Construction of municipal solid waste landfill facility.Municipal Sewage i) Construction of wastewater treatment plant. ii) Construction of marine outfall. (b) (c) 19. WATER SUPPLY 20 (a) (b) Construction of dams or impounding reservoirs with a surface area of 200 hectares or mor e. Groundwater development for industrial, agricultural or urban water supply of greater than 4,500 cubic metres per day. Made on the 30th September, 1987. [KST & AS(U) 902/JAS/4(2); PN. (PU2)280/111] DATUK AMAR STEPHEN K. T. YONG, Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment 21 APPENDIX 3 OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT For further information and enquiries, you may contact the following offices: HEADQUARTERS DirectorGeneral Department of Environment 12th & 13th Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50662 KUALA LUMPUR Tel: 03-2947844 Tlx: MOSTEC MA 28154 Fax: 603-2931480/2937655 Cable â€Å"SEKITAR† Kuala Lumpur STATE OFFICES Director Department of Environment Selangor/Wilayah Persekutuan 17th Floor, Wisma MPSA Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 SHAH ALAM Tel: 03-5594787/5594788 Fax: 03-5594788 Director Department of Environment Johor 23rd Floor, Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak Jalan Wong Ah Fook 80000 JOHOR BAHRU Tel: 07-2226723/2224431 Fax: 07-2230567 Director Departme nt of Environment Pahang 4th Floor, Bangunan Asia Life Jalan Tekul Sisek 25000 KUANTAN Tel: 09-529211/529075 Fax: 09-529075 Director Department of Environment Trengganu/Kelantan Lot 2, 5th Floor Bangunan Tabung Haji/Bank Pertanian Jalan Sultan Ismail 20200 KUALA TERENGGANU Tel: 09-6227877 Fax: 09-6226877 Director Department of Environment Kedah/Perlis 22Aras 1, Menara Zakat Jalan Teluk Wanjah 05200 ALOR SETAR Tel: 04-7332832 Fax: 04-7337530 Director Department of Environment Pulau Pinang 5th & 6th Floor, Wisma Peladang Jalan Kampong Gajah 12200 BUTTERWORTH Tel: 04-340441 Fax: 04-316078 Director Department of Environment Perak 9th Floor, Bangunan Seri Kinta Jalan Sultan Idris Shah 30000 IPOH Tel: 05-2542744 Fax: 05-2558595 Director Department of Environment Melaka 2nd Floor, Bangunan Graha Maju Jalan Tan Chay Yan 75300 MELAKA Tel: 06-247825 Fax: 06-247845 Director Department of Environment Negeri Sembilan 3rd Floor, Block C Wisma Negeri 70503 SEREMBAN Tel: 06-722311 Fax: 06-731397 Di rector Department of Environment Sabah 7th Floor, Block E, Bangunan KUWASA Jalan Karamunsing 88000 KOTA KINABALU Tel: 088-250122 Fax: 088-241170 Director Department of Environment Sarawak 9th Floor, Bangunan Sultan Iskandar Jalan Simpang Tiga 93592 KUCHING Tel: 082-418535 Fax: 082-422863 23